Welcome to Benchmark Pro Shop!

Holiday Hours
Mon, Thur, Fri 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Tues 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Now Through Dec. 31
10% OFF Your Total Purchase
In Stock Only
(Labor, Starter Package & Pre-Order not included)
Pro shop service details
Fitting, Drilling & Layout:
We offer Performance and Conventional drilling to suit your particular bowling needs. We use Jayhawk's latest bowling ball Drill Press that also has milling capability for doing an oval thumb hole to ensure the best fit and comfort for your grip. If you are struggling with blisters and calluses, we can help. Proper grip will allow your hand to be more relax, consistency and execute with a clean release without pain. We custom fit for each customer based on hand flexibility, shape and size. From there we can re-fit you, adjust your current holes to fine-tune your grip or copy what you already have to your new ball if that is what you prefer.
We can't stock all products due to limited space, but we will be happy to order anything you wish.
As Always, we appreciate all your business and support!!
Thumb slugs, finger inserts, Turbo & JO-Po Switch Grip:
We are using Turbo, Vise & JO-Po Grip products. Thumb slugs, finger grips and switch grips are personal preference for each bowler. Styles, textures, colors, lift and oval will ensure the fit and feel is desired by any skill level bowler.
Plug & Redrill:
If we have to Fix your ball, it's because you either have a bad grips or layout. By changing it we will have to plug and redrill your ball. Having a proper grip/pitch and layout it will help you release cleaner out of your hand in order to enhance your performance. If you get blisters and calluses is because you probably have improper fit.
Sometimes you are trying too hard to make your ball come out of your hand a certain way because of the bad grips that you have.
Ball Maintenance:
All Reactive cover stocks resin bowling balls tend to absorbs more oil into the cover stock due to its pore unlike the urethane or polyester balls. More importantly, you should wipe your ball with microfiber towels or shammy after every shot and clean them after every session. When you notice that your ball doesn't perform the way you want it to be then it's time to maintenance them.
Depending on the volume of oil that you bowled on, it could be after 30 to 60 games, then it is time to clean, oil remove or put it back to box finish to regain hooking reaction and energy again.
We use USBC APPROVED cleaning products for your equipments.
Performance Grip with oval.............$60.00
Basic Grip with oval.........................$45.00
No Thumb Grip................................$30.00
Extra Finger Hole.............................$15.00
Enlarge Hole (per hole)...................$ 5.00
Finger Inserts (2)......................$12.00
Thumb Slug...............................$15.00
Switch Grip Outer......................$20.00
Switch Grip Inner.......................$25.00
Clean Ball..........................................$ 5.00
Polish / Wet Sand..............................$ 5.00
Box Finish.........................................$10.00
Oil Extraction....................................$20.00
Finger Holes...............................$35.00
Thumb Holes..............................$35.00
All 3 Holes...................................$65.00
All 3 Holes Switch Grip ...............$75.00
Extra Holes..................................$17.50