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TIP ONE: Ball Weight and Size - We assist you with choosing the right ball weight if you are just starting out how to bowl.
TIP TWO: Bowling Shoes - Choosing the right bowling shoes for proper sliding is very important and beneficial to your legs and knees. Sliding will prevent bowlers from knee injuries. Therefore, you must choose interchangeable shoes for that matters. However, there are also bowlers that prefer not to slide. For bowlers that do not slide, you can wear pretty much any bowling shoes that is versatile and are not design for sliding.
TIP THREE: Proper Fit - Whether you are using fingertip or conventional, the holes needs to be snug, not lose for consistency. There are also the angle of the holes, span and pitch. The fit of the ball must be more relax and not stretch. All bowlers thumb are fluctuate from time to time. When the weather is hot and humid, bowlers thumb tends to swell and when the temperature is cold, the thumb shrinks. Majority of the bowlers need to have a slight larger thumb hole so they can add a piece or two thumb tape into the hole or if they prefer they can use thumb tape on their thumb instead. Also, thumb hole must drill oval for those that have an oval thumb to properly fit so they can execute a clean release.
TIP FOUR: Footwork Foundation - In order to generate power and body leverage for more accuracy, bowler must use his or hers lower body parts for stabilizing at the fowl line by getting the sliding foot to the fowl line first before the ball.
TIP FIVE: Free Arm Swing - Keep bowling arm loose and relaxed as you swing down, back and forth for proper timing.
TIP SIX: Coordination - In order to get your proper timing right, your mindset, arm swing and footwork must be coordinated to get the best results you want base on how many steps you are taking.
TIP SEVEN: Hooking the Ball - Developing a hooking bowling ball you need to understand the difference between the forward roll and side roll to get the results you want. Too much forward roll the ball will go straight and too much side roll will causes the ball to skid. You need both forward and side roll to create the hooking motion when the ball hit the friction. Hand rotation is very important when it comes to making sure that your hand stay behind the ball during the swing and then rotate your hand to the side right before you release the ball.